Get Your Head in the Cloud!
If your organization lacks the internal resources needed to take full advantage of the many features and capabilities available with cloud solutions, then seeking assistance from an MSP with specific cloud computing expertise may be the right choice. The right Cloud Services Provider (CSP) can play a vital role in planning and implementing a transition to to the cloud and providing ongoing administration, management and user support.
While the pay-per-use model is one method of implementing cloud solutions, major cloud service providers like Microsoft Azure also give companies a wide range of benefits. By not being limited to the physical constraints of on-premises servers, businesses can take advantage of scalability and flexibility, as well as the reliability of multiple, redundant data centers, myriad server and service customizations that meet your requirements, and responsive load balancing that can easily respond to changing demands.
Discover what more and more people are learning about the cost savings, business benefits, elasticity, and ease-of-use of Cloud Computing. As a Certified Microsoft Partner, our cloud services division is maintained within the globally supported infrastructure of the Microsoft Azure Cloud. With this platform, matched with our certifications, experience, and expertise, Compass Consulting has the resources and technical know-how necessary to support your IT operations with state-of-the-art cloud solutions. Whether your unique situation requires lift-and-shift, newborn-in-cloud, or anything in-between, we can manage your move to the cloud.
Learn more about our Compass XaaS offering, and then give us a call to begin your cloud implementation!
Compass Consulting can help your organization implement the following solutions: